sPLA2 from S. carpocapsae modulates insect immunity

Sophia and Ogadinma led a research project which was just published illustrating that a secreted phospholipase A2 enzyme released from S. carpocapsae modulates insect immunity. The paper also included other members of the lab. This is the third individual protein from S. carpocapsae that we have shown to have immunogenic properties in insects. 

ShK-Domain-Containing Proteins Modulate Host Immunity

Parasitic nematodes release a wide variety of proteins into their hosts to manipulate host biology. One family of proteins that is released by Steinernema carpocapsae are the ShK-domain-containing proteins. It was previously not known how these proteins function during a nematode infection. Graduate student Aklima Lima reported that one of these proteins released from S. carpocapsae during infection modulates host immunity by decreasing host resistance to infection. In addition to evaluating how the protein affects fly survival, she also employed some behavioral assays to assess fly health in a more sensitive way. The results were published this week in Pathogens and represents the first published results from Aklima’s graduate work.

Microbiome and Efficacy of Phasmarhabditis to Control Slugs and Snails

Our lab has recently published three studies on the slug-parasitic nematode Phasmarhabditis californica. One study on the native microbiome of these nematodes and two studies on the efficacy of these nematodes against different snail pests; Succinea snails and Theba snails. Most of the work the lab has done on Phasmarhabditis nematodes was driven by Dr. Jake Schurkman, who recently graduated and Dr. Irma Tandingan De Ley, who recently retired. During his time in the lab, Jake was an author on 8 papers, most of which were focused on interactions between gastropods and parasitic nematodes. The species that he worked on, P. california, was discovered by Irma and several colleagues. That nematode is now being sold as a commercial biological control agent to kill slugs. At this point however, it is only available in Europe, not the US. Hopefully this becomes available in the US in the near future. 

Jake & Sophia Graduate

Sophia Parks and Jacob Schurkman were hooded in a graduation hooding ceremony over the weekend, completing their doctoral studies. Sophia is the 3rd graduate student to graduate from the Dillman lab and Jake is the 4th. Sophia started a postdoctoral position at Stanford in December and Jake begins a fulltime position at Maine Molecular Quality Controls later this year. Congratulations on their hard work and success!!

Survey of Nematodes that Infect Slugs & Snails in California

We recently surveyed 28 counties in California for nematodes that infect slugs and snails. This was a collaborative effort with Rory Mc Donnell’s lab at Oregon State University. The work was lead by Jake Schurkman and Irma Tandingan De Ley in the Dillman lab. This survey will help us understand the distribution of these nematodes and California and will be used to determine whether these nematodes could be sold and distributed for use in agriculture in the US.

New nematode parasite of tarantulas

A few years ago a tarantula breeder asked for our help in diagnosing an infection occurring in her tarantulas. This week the results of our study describing Tarantobelus jeffdanielsi, a newly described nematode parasite of tarantulas was published. Congratulations to Jake Schurkman, Kyle Anesko,  Irma Tandingan De Ley, and Joaquin Abolafia, for their great work on this nematode!
